
You need to extract and parse all the headers and links from a web site or an XML feed, and then dump the data into a CSV file.

Check out the accompanying video!


import csv
from urllib import urlopen
import re

Perform html/xml query, grab desired fields, create a range:

xml = urlopen("").read()

xmlTitle = re.compile("<title>(.*)</title>")
xmlLink = re.compile("<link>(.*)</link>")

findTitle = re.findall(xmlTitle,xml)
findLink = re.findall(xmlLink,xml)

iterate = []
iterate[:] = range(1, 25)

Open CSV file:

writer = csv.writer(open("pytest.csv", "wb"))

Write header to CSV file (you want to do this before you enter the loop):

head = ("Title", "URL")

Write the For loop to iterate through the XML file and write the rows to the CSV file:

for i in iterate:
	writer.writerow([findTitle[i], findLink[i]])


#!/usr/bin/env python

import csv
from urllib import urlopen
import re

# Open and read HTMl / XML
xml = urlopen("").read()

# Grab article titles and links using regex
xmlTitle = re.compile("<title>(.*)</title>")
xmlLink = re.compile("<link>(.*)</link>")

# Find and store the data
findTitle = re.findall(xmlTitle,xml)
findLink = re.findall(xmlLink,xml)

#Iterate through the articles to create a range
iterate = []
iterate[:] = range(1, 25)

# Open the CSV file, write the headers
writer = csv.writer(open("pytest.csv", "wb"))
head = ("Title", "URL")

# Using a For Loop, write the results to the CSV file, row by row
for i in iterate:
	writer.writerow([findTitle[i], findLink[i]])