About Me
Current status: Co-founder / Lead Engineer at Monitaur.
I’m a full-stack web application developer and software architect that specializes in taking products from inception to delivery across the entire stack. I was an early adopter of Docker and the microservices design pattern. I like working on infrastructure and developer tools since it helps make other engineers more productive.
On a personal note, I’m passionate about educating and developing engineers. I co-founded Real Python (which was a successful exit) and led three cohorts teaching full-stack JavaScript at Galvanize. I also founded TestDriven Labs, a platform for mid-level engineers to learn Test-Driven Development (TDD), microservices, and AWS infrastructure.
Besides development, I enjoy running, building financial models, tech writing, content marketing, teaching, and reading well-crafted project READMEs.
You can view my full resume in JSON @ http://mherman.org/herman-resume.json.
- Programming languages are all different ways of expressing the same thing. A software developer should be able to understand all of them.
- Open source software is free as in free house. If you want to fix or improve something, either learn to do it yourself or pay a contractor.
- If you don’t know how to solve a problem, start by breaking it down into small, manageable pieces. What do you need in order to solve it? What do you already know? Web developers don’t need to know everything; they just need to be able to break a problem up into smaller chunks in order to find the missing information required to solve the problem at hand.
Major Projects
- Microservices with Docker, Flask, and React
- Real Python
- Starter Financial Model
- DiscoverFlask
- KickStarter Projects
Email: michael at mherman dot org
Connect with me on LinkedIn, GitHub, and YouTube. Also, check out this ever growing list of personal and professional projects. Cheers!
I am NOT currently accepting new projects.
Tech recruiters: please use “i am the walrus” in your cold email so I know you actually read this.
Articles I’ve written
Besides my posts on this site, Real Python, and TestDriven.io, I’ve published the following articles:
- The Newest Lean Startup Tool: Kickstarter (#1 on HackerNews)
- Learn SQL, dammit! (#1 on HackerNews)
- Content Marketing, Evolved
- Setting up a Django Project for the Non-Programmer
- Learn Indexing, dammit!
- Debugging SQL with the django-debug-toolbar
- Deploying a Django App on Dokku
- From MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) to Micro-Incubator
- How to take on a large Django project (#6 on HackerNews)
- Simple Goods + Zapier & MySQL
- Adding a web interface to our image search engine with Flask
Articles about me
- iPhone SE
- MacBook Pro 15-inch, Mid 2015
Editor and Terminal
- iTerm2 + zsh + oh-my-zsh
- Sublime Text
- Visual Studio Code
Desktop Apps
- Backblaze
- Caffeine App
- Chrome
- Docker
- Filezilla
- Firefox
- ImageOptim
- LibreOffice
- Postgres.app
- Slack
- Skitch
- Skype
- Spectacle
- SQLite DB Browser
- Thunderbird email client
- VirtualBox