- Eliminate distractions
- Time-box yourself
- Try not to revise as you write (inspiration is fleeting!)
- Force yourself to step away
- Think about the length (shorter posts generally receive more comments, longer posts get more SEO love)
### That's it!
##### Additional Resources
1. [Best Practices for Documenting Technical Procedures](https://www.slideshare.net/MelanieSeibert/best-practices-for-documenting-technical-procedures)
1. [What to Write](https://jacobian.org/2009/nov/10/what-to-write/)
1. [Write the Docs - Documentation Guide](http://www.writethedocs.org/guide/)
1. [Microsoft Style Guide](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/style-guide/welcome/)
1. [Google Developer Documentation Style Guide](https://developers.google.com/style/)
##### Contact Info
1. [michael@mherman.org](mailto:michael@mherman.org)
1. [mherman.org](https://mherman.org)
1. [@mikeherman](https://twitter.com/mikeherman)
##### Questions?