class: center, middle # Introduction to React "my `MV*` is better than your `MV*`"
Presented by *Michael Herman*
--- ## Note This talk assumes you have gone through the [Intro to React]( tutorial. --- ## Agenda -- ##### (1) About Me ##### (2) Objectives ##### (3) Theory 1. What is React? 1. Why React? -- ##### (4) Practice 1. Express Server-side Setup 1. Create React App - project setup - structure - new project - class-based component - ajax - lifecycle methods - `setState()` - functional component --- ## About Me ``` $ whoami michael.herman ``` -- #### Day Job: [Galvanize]( (since May 2015)... 1. ~~Lead Instructor Full Stack~~ 1. ~~Curriculum Developer~~ 1. Senior Software Engineer -- #### Also: 1. Co-founder/author of [Real Python]( 1. 😍 - [tech writing](, [open source](, [financial models](, [radiohead](, [chilling](images/me.jpg) --- ## Objectives By the end of this talk you should be able to: 1. Explain what React is 1. Create a SPA with React components 1. Use props and state appropriately 1. Manage the state of a React component via component lifecycle methods 1. Make API calls to an Express backend --- ## What is React? What is it? How does it compare to Angular? --- ## Why use React? 1. Flexible 1. Fast ([virtual dom](!) 1. Component-based (*think in terms of components rather than templates*) 1. Declarative 1. Simple error handling (with *create react app*) 1. Strong community --- ## Express Server-side Setup 1. Clone repo and install dependencies ```sh $ git clone $ cd w2/exercises/node-jobs-api $ npm install ``` 1. Create postgres databases - `node_jobs_dev` and `node_jobs_test` > **NOTE:** You may need to update the connection strings within the *knexfile.js* if your databases have usernames and/or passwords. 1. Apply migrations and seed the db ```sh $ knex migrate:latest --env development $ knex seed:run --env development ``` 1. Run the darn app ```sh gulp ``` 1. Test @ http://localhost:8080/api/v1/jobs --- ## Project Setup [Create React App]( Install ```sh $ npm install -g create-react-app@1.3.0 ``` Quick start ```sh $ create-react-app node-jobs-react $ cd node-jobs-react $ npm start ``` -- Why Create React App? -- 1. You get a nice boilerplate all set up and ready to go. 1. You do not have to configure Webpack and Babel to get your app going. 1. You get sane errors messages. --
Make sure you understand what's happening beneath the scenes with webpack and babel. For more, check out [React Intro](
--- ## Structure ```sh $ tree -I node_modules ``` Navigate through the "src" folder. What's happening with each one of these files? 1. *App.css* 1. *App.js* 1. *App.test.js* 1. *index.css* 1. *index.js* Take a look at the *package.json*. What do each of these commands do? 1. "start": "react-scripts start", 1. "build": "react-scripts build", 1. "test": "react-scripts test --env=jsdom", 1. "eject": "react-scripts eject" --- ## New Project Remove the *App.css*, *App.js*, *App.test.js*, *index.css* and then update *index.js*: ```javascript import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; const App = () => { return (
Node Jobs
) } ReactDOM.render(
, document.getElementById('root') ); ``` -- What's happening? -- 1. We created a functional component called `App`, which returns JSX 1. We then use `render()` to mount the `App` to the DOM -- Why is `className` in camelCase? --- ## Class-based Component Update *index.js*: ```javascript import React, { Component } from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; class App extends Component { constructor() { super() } render() { return (
Node Jobs
) } } ReactDOM.render(
, document.getElementById('root') ); ``` -- What's happening? -- 1. `constructor` - runs automatically when an instance is created (but when is the instance created?) 1. `super()` calls constructor of `Component`, which `App` extends from --- ## AJAX (part 1) Add a `getJobs()` method: ```javascript getJobs() { axios.get(`http://localhost:8080/api/v1/jobs`) .then((res) => { console.log(res); }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err); }) } ``` Don't forget the import: ```javascript import axios from 'axios'; ``` Be sure to NPM install axios! --- ## AJAX (part 2) Call the method in the constructor to test: ```javascript constructor() { super() this.getJobs() } ``` -- Why should you *not* call the method in the constructor? --- ## Component Lifecycle Methods (part 1) Resources: - -
(Image source:
--- ## Component Lifecycle Methods (part 2) Where should AJAX calls happen? -- `componentDidMount()` - [why]( --
```javascript componentDidMount() { this.getJobs(); } ``` --- ## `setState()` (part 1) Update `getJobs()`: ```javascript getJobs() { axios.get(`http://localhost:8080/api/v1/jobs`) .then((res) => { this.setState({ jobs: }); }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err); }) } ``` Add state to the constructor: ```javascript this.state = { jobs: [] } ``` -- What's happening? -- 1. `this.state` adds `state` property and sets `jobs` to an empty array. Why set an initial state of an empty array? 1. `setState()` async function to update state (state is immutable) --- ## `setState()` (part 2) Update the `render()` method: ```javascript render() { return (
Node Jobs
{ => { return
{ job.title }
}) }
) } ``` -- What's happening? -- 1. Iterated over the jobs (from the AJAX request) and created a new element. This is why we needed to set an initial state - it prevents `map` from exploding. 1. `key`? - used by React to keep track of each element --- ## Functional Component (part 1) Let's create a new component for the job list. Add a new folder called "components" to "src". Add a new file to that folder called *JobList.jsx*: ```javascript import React from 'react'; const JobList = (props) => { return (
{ => { return
{ job.title }
}) }
) } export default JobList; ``` -- What's happening? -- 1. We created a functional component called `JobList`, which returns JSX. --- ## Functional Component (part 2) Why is this component a function and not a class? -- *stateless!* -- Okay. But how is it getting state? -- *props!* -- What are Props? Props vs State? -- 1. Props - data flows down via `props` (from `state` to `props`), read only 1. State - data tied to a component, read and write --- ## Functional Component (part 3) Let's give the sub component access to state. Add the import to *index.js*: ```javascript import JobList from './components/JobList'; ``` Update `render()`: ```javascript render() { return (
Node Jobs
) } ``` -- What's happening? -- 1. State is being passed to the `JobList` component as a `prop` --- ## Functional Component (part 4) Let's convert the list to a table and add some style... --- ## Cheers! Questions?