Welcome. Using Node, Express, and Mongoose, let’s create an interactive form.

Before you start, make sure you have Node installed for your specific operating system. This tutorial also uses Express v4.9.0 and Mongoose v3.8.21.


Project Setup

Start by installing the Express generator, which will be used to create a basic project for us:

$ npm install -g express-generator@4

The -g flag means that we’re installing this on our entire system.

Navigate to a convenient directory, like your “Desktop” or “Documents”, then create your app:

$ express node-mongoose-form

Check out the project structure:

├── app.js
├── bin
│   └── www
├── package.json
├── public
│   ├── images
│   ├── javascripts
│   └── stylesheets
│       └── style.css
├── routes
│   ├── index.js
│   └── users.js
└── views
    ├── error.jade
    ├── index.jade
    └── layout.jade

Don’t worry about the files and folders for now. Just know that we have created a boilerplate that could be used for a number of Node applications. This took care of the heavy lifting, adding common files and functions associated with all apps.

Notice the package.json file. This stores your project’s dependencies, which we still need to install:

$ cd node-mongoose-form
$ npm install

Now let’s install one last dependency:

$ npm install mongoose --save

The --save flag adds the dependencies and their versions to the package.json file. Take a look.

Sanity check

Let’s test our setup by running the app:

$ npm start

Navigate to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser and you should see the “Welcome to Express” text.


I highly recommend setting up Supervisor so that you can run your app and watch for code changes. Check out the above link to learn more.

$ npm install supervisor -g

Kill the server by pressing CTRL-C.

Once installed, let’s update the package.json file to utilize Supervisor to run our program.

Simply change this-

"scripts": {
  "start": "node ./bin/www"

To this:

"scripts": {
  "start": "supervisor ./bin/www"

Let’s test again:

$ npm start

In your terminal you should see:

Watching directory 'node-mongoose-form' for changes.

If you see that, you know it’s working right. Essentially, Supervisor is watching that directory for code changes, and if they do occur, then it will refresh your app for you so you don’t have to constantly kill the server then start it back up. It saves a lot of time and keystrokes.

Awesome. With the setup out of the way, let’s get our hands dirty and actually build something!


Grab your favorite text editor, and then open the main file, app.js, which houses all of the business logic. Take a look at the routes:

app.use('/', routes);
app.use('/users', users);

Understanding how routes work as well as how to trace all the files associated with an individual route is an important skill to learn. You’ll be able to approach most applications and understand how they work just by starting with the routes.

Let’s look at this route:

app.use('/users', users)

Here, we know that this route is associated with the /users endpoint. What’s an endpoint? Simply navigate to http://localhost:3000/users.

So the end user navigates to that endpoint and expects something to happen. That could mean some HTML is rendered or perhaps JSON is returned. That’s not important at this point. For now, let’s look at how Node handles that logic for “handling routes”.

Also, within that route, you can see the variable users. Where is this file this file? It’s at the top, and it loads in another file within our app:

var users = require('./routes/users');

Open that file:

var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();

/* GET users listing. */
router.get('/', function(req, res) {
  res.send('respond with a resource');

module.exports = router;

What’s happening here? We won’t touch everything but essentially when that endpoint is hit it responds by sending text in the form of a response to the end user - “respond with a resource”. Now, of course you don’t always have to send text. You could respond with a template or view like a Jade file that gets rendered into HTML. We’ll look at how this works in just a minute when we add our own routes.

Make sure you understand everything in this section before moving on. This is very important.

Add a new route

Let’s now add a new route that renders an HTML form to the end user.

Start by adding the route handler in the app.js file:

app.use('/form', form);

Remember this simply means app.use('/ENDPOINT', VARIABLE_NAME);,

Use the form variable to require a JS file within our routes folder.

var form = require('./routes/form');

Take a look in the terminal. You should see an error, indicating Node can’t find that ‘./routes/form’ module. We need to create it!

Create that JS file/module by saving an empty file called form.js to the “routes” directory. Add the following code:

var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();

/* GET form. */
router.get('/', function(req, res) {
  res.send('My funky form');

module.exports = router;

Remember what this code res.send('My funky form'); should do? If not, review the previous section.

Navigate to http://localhost:3000/form. You should see the text “‘My funky form” on the page. Sweet.


Jade is a templating language, which compiles down to HTML. It makes it easy to separate logic from markup.

Take a quick look at the layout.jade and index.jade files within the “views” folder. There’s a relationship between those two files. It’s called inheritance. We define the base structure in the layout file, which contains common structure that can be reused in multiple places.

Do you see the block keyword?

What really happens when the index file is rendered is that it first inherits the base template because of the extends keywords. So, the layout template then gets rendered, which eventually pulls in the child template, overwriting the block keyword with:

h1= title
  p Welcome to #{title}

Hope that makes sense. If not, check out this resource for more info.

Setup form.jade

Create a new file called “form.jade” in the “views” directory, and then add the following code:

extends layout

block content
  h1= title
  p Welcome to #{title}

The same thing is happening here with inheritance. If you’re unfamiliar with Jade syntax, title is essentially a variable, which we can pass in from ./routes/form.js.

Update ./routes/form.js by changing-

res.send('My funky form');


res.render('form', { title: 'My funky form' });

This just says, “When a user hits the /form endpoint, render the form.jade file and pass in My funky form as the title.”

Keep in mind that all Jade files are converted to HTML. Browsers can’t read the Jade syntax, so it must be in HTML by the time the end user sees it.

Ready to test? Simple refresh http://localhost:3000/form.

Did it work? If yes, move on. If not, go back through this section and review. Look in your terminal as well to see the error(s). If you’re having problems, don’t beat yourself up. It’s all part of learning!

Update form.jade

So, let’s update the Jade syntax to load a form.

extends layout

block content
  //- passed into layout.jade when form.jade is rendered
  block content
    h1= title
    form(method="post" action="/create")
      label(for="comment") Got something to say:
      input(type="text", name="comment", value=comment)
      input(type="submit", value="Save")

I’m not going to touch on all the Jade syntax, but essentially, we have just a basic HTML form to submit comments.

Refresh your browser. Do you see the form? Try clicking save. What happens? Well, you just tried to send a POST request to the /create endpoint, which does not exist. Let’s set it up.

Add route handler for /create

Open app.js and add a new route:

app.use('/create', form);

Notice how we’re using the same form variable. What does this mean?

Open form.js to add the logic for this new route:

var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();

/* GET form. */
router.get('/', function(req, res) {
  res.render('form', { title: 'My funky form' });

/* POST form. */
router.post('/', function(req, res) {

module.exports = router;

Test this out again. Now, when you submit the form, we have the /create endpoint setup, which then grabs the text from the input box via req.body.comment. Make sure the text is consoled to your terminal.

Okay. So, we are handling the routes, rendering the right template, let’s now setup Mongoose to save the data from our form.

Setup Mongoose

Mongoose is awesome. Start with defining the Schema, which then maps to a collection in Mongo. It utilizes OOP.

Create a file called database.js in your app’s root directory, then add the following code:

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema   = mongoose.Schema;

var Comment = new Schema({
    title : String,

mongoose.model('comments', Comment);


Here, we required/included the Mongoose library along with a reference to the Schema() method. As said, you always start with defining the schema, then we linked it to collection called “comments”. Finally, we opened a connection to an instance of our local MongoDB.

If you don’t have the MongoDB server running. Do so now. Open a new terminal window, and run the command sudo mongod.

Next, open app.js and require the Mongoose config at the very top of the file:

// mongoose config

With Mongoose setup, we need to update form.js to create (via POST) and read (via GET) data from the Mongo collection.

Handling form GET requests

Open form.js. Require Mongoose as well as the comments model, which we already created:

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Comment = mongoose.model('comments');

Now, update the function handling GET requests:

/* GET form. */
router.get('/', function(req, res) {
  Comment.find(function(err, comments){
      {title : 'My funky form', comments : comments}

Comment.find() grabs all comments from the Mongo collection, which we assign to the variable comments. We can now use that variable in our Jade file.

Update form.jade to display comments

Let’s add a loop to iterate through the comments and then display the title key from the collection.

extends layout

block content
  //- passed into layout.jade when form.jade is rendered
  block content
    h1= title
    form(method="post" action="/create")
      label(for="comment") Got something to say:
      input(type="text", name="comment", value=comment)
      input(type="submit", value="Save")
    - for comment in comments
      p= comment.title

Do you remember where we set the title key? Check out the database schema in database.js.

Before this will actually work - e.g., display comments - we first need to add the logic to insert data into the Mongo collection.

Handling form POST requests

Back in form.js, update the function handling POST requests:

/* POST form. */
router.post('/', function(req, res) {
  new Comment({title : req.body.comment})
  .save(function(err, comment) {

The simply saves a new comment, which again is grabbed from the form via req.body.comment.

Sanity Check

Refresh you app. Add some comments. If you’ve done everything correctly, the comments should be displayed beneath the form.


That’s it. Grab the code from the repository. Cheers!